
Institut de formation et de recherche en population, développement et santé de la reproduction (IPDSR), Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar

IPDSR was created in February 1999 as a result of a strong partnership between the University Cheikh Anta Doip of Dakar, the Senegalese UNFPA and the Direction of Human Resources of the Planning Ministry. Research is a strategic activity of the Institute, with the aim to reinforce training and expertise among the university on population, development and reproductive health issues. IPDSR’s missions are to bring a critical mass of researchers working on interdisciplinary issues related to Senegalese population or population in general. It considers research as a dialogue with professors, researchers, State actors, NGOs or development stakeholders. This vision allows the Institute to understand the emerging issues in the domain of Population/Development/ Reproductive Health, and to accompany the decision-makers with scientific evidence for the conduct of their action. This vision is apparent in the partnership the Institute holds with the Planning Ministry, the Ministry for Health and Prevention, the Ministry for Women, Family and Social Development, with NGOs (Croix Rouge Sénégalaise, ENDA, Population Council...), with development actors (USAID, UNICEF, ONU-Habitat, IOM...) and research centres (IRD, INED, University of McGill...).


The Tasks

The Institute (which already carried out the MAFE survey in 2007-2008) will bring its experience in data collection. It will participate in the analysis WPs.


The Team

Papa Sakho (Geographer) is Professor and researcher, and director of IPDSR. His main research interest lies in urbanisation and migrations, in particular the issue of urban mobility and local development. He recently participated to the research programme on "cities’ frontiers" with the Institut de Recherche sur le Développement (IRD, 2002-2004), and is responsible for the aspects related to "Cities, networks and non-agricultural activities" within a larger programme on eastern Senegal funded by IRD and the private firm SODEFITEX.



Contact details

Institut de formation et de recherche en population, développement et santé reproductive
Campus BRGM
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
BP 45550
Dakar Fann


IPDSR, University of Dakar

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