
INED - Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques

The Institut National d’Études Démographiques is a public research centre established in 1945. INED is a multi-disciplinary institute devoted to population studies. INED has conducted a long list of large-scale surveys (more than 15 surveys since 2000); it has developed strong skills in data collection with vulnerable population groups, such as migrants and homeless people; it has acquired specific expertise in event history surveys; and it has a great deal of international collaboration experience in Africa and in Europe. The MAFE project takes place within the activities of the joint research unit CEPED (Centre Population et Développement) .


The Tasks

INED is responsible for the general coordination of the MAFE project. It will lead WP2 on the survey methodology, taking advantage of its previous experience of the MAFE-Senegal survey conducted in 2007 on Senegalese migration.

The Team

Cris Beauchemin, Geographer, PhD. Working for many years on African migration, he has developed strong skills in survey implementation and life event history analysis. His main research interest lies with population and development, migration and urbanisation in West Africa, and international migration. He is the principal investigator of the MAFE-Senegal project, which prefigures this European project.

See personal webpage

Lama Kabbanji, Associate Researcher.


David Lessault, Associate Researcher.


Cora Mezger, PhD student.


Sorana Toma is a PhD Candidate at Oxford University and a former Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at FIERI. She is currently hosted at INED. Her thesis focuses on the role of social networks in international migration between Senegal and Europe, using the MAFE dataset. For her Master thesis, she studied the school-to-work transitions of second generation immigrants in France, using quantitative longitudinal data.

Erik Vickstrom, PhD student.


Jocelyn Nappa, PhD student.


Marie-Laurence Flahaux, PhD student.


Fofo Ametepe, Statistician.


Arnaud Bringé, Statistician.


The project benefits from the support of:

INED’s Survey Department

INED’s Statistical Methodology Department


Contact details

INED - Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques

133 boulavard Davout

75020 Paris

Tel: +33 (0)

Fax: +33 (0)

