Civil Society
Organising a dialogue on international migrations lays on the multiplication of interactions between researchers and civil society on the one hand, and between North and South on the other hand.
In this context, the research questions of MAFE are fed by the concerns of civil society, expressed in the framework of public meetings. Researchers are committed to discuss their results with civil society organisations. Therefore, all the MAFE actors (research institutes, NGOS, associations) are contructing a documented dialogue on international migrations.
The partnership is currently organised around three main NGOs:
- Enda Tiers-Monde : a Senegalese non profit international organisation working for local development.
- CSSSE : Comité de Suivi du Symposium des Sénégalais de l’Extérieur.
- The Migration Policy Group : a Brussels based independent non-profit organisation committed to stimulate a well-informed European policy debate, cooperation and action on migration issues.