
The Department of Technology and Society Studies (TSS), University of Maastricht

The Department of Technology & Society Studies of the University of Maastricht provides the social-scientific input for the teaching and research conducted by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The research carried out by members of the Department of Technology & Society Studies takes place in the Research Institute for Arts and Culture, within the sections (1) Modernisation and Cultural Identity; (2) Technology and Society: social and technological theory; and (3) Science and Culture: texts and contexts.
All researchers are members of the Graduate School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture (WTMC).


The Tasks

UM will be responsible of WP8 on the socio-demographic changes due to migration. UM is also part of the scientific committee overseeing data collection in the sending countries and in Ghana in particular.


The Team

Valentina Mazzucato, Development Economist and Anthropologist, PhD. Has worked since 1991 on West African rural development issues and since 2000 on West African migration into Europe. Between 2001 and 2006 she headed a Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)-funded, interdisciplinary research program on Transnational Networks and the Creation of Local Economies: Economic Principles and Institutions of Ghanaian Migrants at Home and Abroad. This program piloted within a European context, an ethnosurvey approach to the study of migration.


Djamila Schans, Family Sociologist, PhD. Skills in econometrics and combining quantitative with qualitative data methodologies and analyses. Her main lines of research are: (a) migrant transnational activities and their effects on migrants’ ability to integrate within receiving country societies (b) changes in family practices due to migration.


Kim Caarls, PhD Student.


Contact details

University of Maastricht
Department of Technology and Society Studies (TSS)
P.O. Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands


TSS, University of Maastricht

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