
Centre de Recherche en Démographie et Société, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve

The Research Centre on Demography and Society is a teaching and research centre in the Department of Population and Development of the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL). Research at the Centre is organized around 7 axes: (1) Migration, (2) Methods of data collection and data analysis, (3) Population, development and the environment, (4) Fertility and reproductive health, (5) Family changes, intergenerational relations and ageing, (6) Health and mortality, and (7) History of populations. Research on these topics has been carried out on a large variety of contexts in Europe, Africa and Asia with funding from various national and international donors (UNFPA, European Union, Belgian Science Policy...).


The Tasks

UCL is responsible for the overall coordination of Work Package 3 (data collection) and of Work Package 5 (description of the changing patterns of migration). Researchers of the UCL team have organized or participated in several large scale surveys in Belgium, in Africa and in Asia. The team has developed a strong experience in designing and coordinating large scale quantitative comparative surveys in an international and multi-cultural context.


The Team

Bruno Schoumaker (Geographer and Demographer, PhD) is a lecturer in the Institute of demography. He coordinated a longitudinal community survey as part of a research project on migration in Burkina Faso, and developed research on event history and multilevel analyses of migration and employment in Burkina Faso. Since 2003, he has been involved in the coordination of data collection and analysis for the RHIYA project in Asia. He is also the principal investigator of a research project on migration between Congo and Belgium.


Sophie Vause (Political Scientist and Demographer, MA) is a PhD fellow of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). She is currently involved in a research project on Congolese migration to Belgium. She more specifically works on the gender dimension of migration between DR Congo and Belgium, using transnational data and qualitative and quantitative methods. During her degree in political science, she worked on child fostering and child trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa and did fieldwork in Benin.


Andonirina Rakotonarivo (Economist and demographer) is a post-doc. She will coordinate the Belgium data collection.


Alioune Diagne (Demographer) obtained his PhD in 2006 at INED and Paris 1- La Sorbonne. He worked for two years at the Population Council as a programme officer, and participated in several survey projects in France ("Biography and Social Network") and in Senegal (the "Youth and future of the family in Dakar" survey). He is specialized in the collection and the analysis of biographic data. He is conducted the MAFE-Senegal survey with INED.


Marie-Laurence Flahaux is a PhD candidate at UCL. Her research is based on a comparative analysis of Senegalese and Congolese migrants’ return and reintegration in their countries of origin.


Thierry Eggerickx is Professor and qualified researcher at the faculty of economic, social, political and communication sciences at UCL.


Contact details

Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve / Centre de Recherche en Démographie et Sociétés

1/17 Place Montesquieu
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
